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Motherhood Unhindered: Did You Know... (part 3)

Elevate Pilates

Did you know ...

* women who experience depression prior to pregnancy have an increased risk of experiencing it again and more significantly in pregnancy or post-birth

* the same is true for anxiety, although it is much less recognized

*1 in 5 women suffer from maternal mental health disorders

* Women of every culture, age, income level and race can develop perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Symptoms can appear any time

during pregnancy and the first 12 months after childbirth. There are effective and well-researched treatment options to help you recover. Although the term

“postpartum depression” is most often used, there are actually several forms of illness that women may experience, including

* Pregnancy or Postpartum Depression

* Pregnancy or Postpartum Anxiety

* Pregnancy or Postpartum Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

* Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

* Postpartum Psychosis

It is common for new mothers to experience mood swings and weepiness within the first two weeks post-birth. This is commonly referred to the "baby blues" and symptoms resolve around the two week mark. When these symptoms don't resolve around the two week mark, or additional symptoms are present, it is important to reach out for more support.

If you are concerned that you or someone you love may be in need of more support, we recommend you reach out to PPSM, Pregnancy Postpartum Support Minnesota.

Helpline Phone 612-787-7776

Helpline Email

"A body freed from nervous tension and over fatigue is the ideal shelter for a well-balanced mind." Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates understood the inter-connectedness of the body and mind. It was with this knowledge that he designed his system of exercises now known as Pilates.

He was passionate about training people how to develop their physical capacity, body awareness, alignment, and mental atunement. He believed congruence of body - mind - spirit was essential to a life well lived.

Mental health is inner connected with a corresponding and coordinated physical health.

Joseph Pilates designed each exercise, and it's placement within the sequence of exercises, to help bring this about.

Elevate Pilates

Pilates is a body-mind practice. Our approach at Elevate Pilates is to provide a nurturing environment to support the building of soulful resilience in Women. We intentionally highlight the importance of body awareness, building a trusting relationship between the body and mind, and mental atunement within exercises also designed to strengthen the core and pelvic floor.

To find out more, reach out to, sign up for a group mat class or visit our PPSM Moms page.

Motherhood Unhindered is a blog series focused on raising awareness about maternal mental health, highlighting resources, and educating about the related benefits of Pilates for moms.

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