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Motherhood Unhindered: Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month (Part 1)

Elevate Pilates

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness month in the United States. This effort is being lead by the National Coalition For Maternal Mental Health's The Blue Dot Project.

In support of this work, Elevate Pilates is launching a blog series Motherhood Unhindered

In this blog series we will

** raise awareness about maternal mental health needs

**connect you with local resources

**discuss how Pilates as a body-mind practice is designed to build soulful resilience (body, mind, spirit)

Getting real about motherhood is healthy for everyone, especially the 1 in 5 women who will suffer from a maternal mental health (MMH) disorder like postpartum depression. For many women, there are unspoken and spoken ideals of motherhood, unrealistic myths, that crowd the mind and keep women judging themselves through an unrealistic lens.

It is especially hard for women who are suffering from an MMH disorder who may choose to suffer silently because they feel there must be something terribly wrong with them for feeling something so different than those expectations.

What can you do?

#Askher how she’s really feeling.

#Askher how she’s really doing?

#Askher how she’s sleeping.

#Askher how she’s eating?


Pilates builds resilience

Check out this email from a mom taking our group mat classes at Nourish Family Wellness:

"I have Postpartum Anxiety and the Elevate Pilates mat class has been such an enormous blessing and has helped so much! It gave me something to do for myself every week. And it really gave me great strategies to use during moments of panic. It has helped so much!"

Pilates is a body-mind practice and our approach at Elevate Pilates is to support the building of soulful resilience in Moms. To find out more, visit our PPSM Moms page, reach out to or sign up for a group mat class.

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